Grigoris Thanasoulas

Grigoris Thanasoulas

Kubernetes Engineer @True
MEng Electrical & Computer Engineering, ECE NTUA

True B.V.


I’m Grigoris Thanasoulas.

I’m a DevOps engineer.

I’m working on integrating local storage systems with Kubernetes, using the Container Storage Interface. My work is also focused on extending the Kubernetes scheduler to seamlessly schedule workload with local storage and also extending the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler to scale up and down clusters according to the local storage requirements.

I am holding a Diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens.

  • Kubernetes
  • Linux
  • Container Storage Interface
  • Computer Networks
  • MEng in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2022

    National Technical University of Athens